Buy Ethereum(ETH) with Monero(XMR)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

hey guys, got 16.371630019317 XMR here. Looking to trade it for ETH. Any takers?
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Sounds decent. But I would like a little more in ETH, given the volatility.
Hmm, let's negotiate. Maybe we can come to middle grounds?
'Middle grounds' sounds fair. It's a big chunk of XMR we're dealing with here, after all.
Right. So, let's take this to DM to finalize the trade. Cool with that?
Perfectly fine by me. Let's do this.

Hey guys, I'm lookin to trade 0.30395326896 XMR for XMR to ETH conversion.  Any takers?
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Nah, juz' wanted to make sure it's a fair trade. But, if you think it's too much, how bout' we settle on 0.9 ETH for 1 XMR?
Hmm, that sounds more reasonable. Okay, I'd be down for that. We'd be doing through Ethereum's smart contract?
Yep, that's what I was plannin' on doing. It ensures that the trade is completely transparent, ya know?
Cool, let's move this to DM then? Don't want someone keking our deal now, do we?
Agreed, let's hash out the final details in DM. Cheers!

Anyone interesed in trding 0.304145879677 XMR for XMR to ETH?
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K. So the current rate on Binance will do, right?
Yeah, that should work.
Alright, based on the current rate, my offer's 0.0075 ETH for your 0.304145879677 XMR. We good?
0.0075 you said?.. Okay, it's a deal. Let's take this to DM.
Cool. Sliding into your DM now.

Hey, anyone interested in XMR to ETH conversion? Got 0.3087978526 XMR up for the trade.
Oh look who's got magical internet money to play with. I might be interested. What's the rate you're looking at mate?
Well, I was looking for something in the ballpark of the current market rate. You know how volatile these cryptos can be.
Yeah. Got a lil' burned myself with that BTC dip last week. Well, I guess we can work something out. Let's lock it to the current market rate when we execute the trade?
Not a fan of the dips, but they're part of the game, aren't they? Sounds fair to me. Let's lock it to the current rate. Should we move to DM to sort everything out?
Seems about right. DMing you now. Let's make this happen.

Sup ppl, got 10.135085244364 XMR ready for trade. Looking for XMR to ETH, anyone interested?
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Mmm, that's a bit low. Can you push it to 0.030 ETH?
NOICE NEGOTIATION SKILLS! Alright, I can push it to 0.03 ETH. Do we have a deal?
Let's do it. 10.135085244364 XMR for 0.030 ETH. Sounds good.
Heck yeah! Let's move to DM to finalize the trans.
Yepp, let's do it. See you in DM.

Hey anyone interested in dealin'? I got 3.199214325497 XMR, looking to make an XMR to ETH flip.
Sup, interested but depends on the rate ya offer mate.
Current Market Rate
Really?'Current Market Rate'? Dude, you know we're better off chatin' about this stuff in DM right?
Yah, I knw. Just startin' it off here. Let's head to DM.

hey guys, got 0.321527247865 XMR here. Looking to trade for ETH. Any takers?
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Ok, let's discuss this more. Open to negotiations?
To a limit, yeah. But not planning to give them away ;)
Hah! We all want to make a profit, don't we? Let me crunch the numbers.
Sure thing. DM me when you're ready to discuss it further.
Will do, on it.

Hey, got 7.630885066683 XMR that I wanna trade for ETH. Any takers?
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Mean, been checkin' the current rates. Legit exchange, they're doin' bout 0.02976 ETH per XMR. Cool?
Hmm. 'Tis slightly below market tho, right? Maybe like, 0.031 ETH per XMR? You cover the transaction fee?
< Ain't no Santa. But heck, let's do it on 0.031. I cover transaction fee. You're game?
Yeah, cool. You got yourself a deal. Let's move this to DMs?
Sure thing, mate. Lezz do this!

Hey there, I got a a bunker of 17.825404460631 XMR. Looking to turn it to ETH. Anyone interested?
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That sounds pracical. We could do a live price check and decide based on that. Able to use Escrow?
Sure thing. If you got a reliable one in mind, that is.
Sure do. We can use <localcryptos> or similar reimbursable service. Kinda like a safety net, you know?
Sounds reasonable. Let's do this. Let's move this to 'DM' to wrap up the details.
Great, see you on DM. Let's make this work.

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