Buy Ethereum(ETH) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey guys, I'm lookin to trade 0.30395326896 XMR for XMR to ETH conversion.  Any takers?
Yo, 7b02b08028, I might be interested. What rate are you proposing?
I was thinkin somethin' like 1 ETH for 1 XMR? idk..what do you think?
lol, 1 ETH for that amount of XMR? Aren't you being a bit too generous mate? Market's not that great yet.
Nah, juz' wanted to make sure it's a fair trade. But, if you think it's too much, how bout' we settle on 0.9 ETH for 1 XMR?
Hmm, that sounds more reasonable. Okay, I'd be down for that. We'd be doing through Ethereum's smart contract?
Yep, that's what I was plannin' on doing. It ensures that the trade is completely transparent, ya know?
Cool, let's move this to DM then? Don't want someone keking our deal now, do we?
Agreed, let's hash out the final details in DM. Cheers!
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