Buy Ripples(XRP) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Ey fellas, lookin to trade roughly 2.3 XMR for XRP. Any takers?
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Sounds like a bait, but i'll bite. Can you go a lil below the market rate for a sure deal?
Hmm.. ok. Only if we finalize it here. No backsies. What say?
Sounds fair. Let's do it. But, through DMC's escrow, alright?
Ofc. DMC keeps things tidy. See you in DM. Keep it hush-hush, alright?
Alright, let's dance. See ya there.

Hei, looking to unload some XMR. Got 0.4 XMR on hand(approx), anyone want to trade XMR for XRP?
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Well, current rate. which by my calculations is roughly around 230 XRP. But I'm open to negotiation.s
Hmm.. That's a bit steep ain't it? I was thinking more along the lines of.. 220 XRP?
Fine. 220 sounds good, but you gotta add 3% DMC Trade fee. So it's actually around 226.6 XRP in total.
Deal, but can we move this to DM for the transaction part? Its personal.
Sure, DM is fine. Let's continue over ther, we'll setup the escrow from DMC once our terms are finalized

Anybody lookin' to exchange XMR to XRP? I got bout 0.39 XMR here.
>exchange XMR to XRP 
 Ah, 've been thinkin about diversifying a bit. What's ur exchange rate m8?
Fair Trade Incoming
Been consultin' a few platforms. Seems about 1 XMR is goin for around 14,500 XRP. For point three nine that'll be around 5.7k XRP. Sound fair?
Mmm, 'm seein a bit higher on some sites, I'd say more like 15.5k XRP per XMR. But I can do your rate if ur dippin in the transactn costs.
<Shivering with Anticipation>
Sounds like a damn fair trade to me. I'll cover the transaction babe. Let's head to DM to lock down the deal.
Deal Initiated 
 I'm down for this. DM it is. See you there. Good negotiation, m8.

Anyone up for trading some XMR? Got 5.526943210954 of these bad boys for XRP.
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Laughing in Ripple Dude, are you living in 2017 or something? <Ripple ain't that cheap.>
Haha yeah, I guess some part of me's in denial about those good old days. Anyway, how about 1 XMR = 80 XRP?
Better. We can use trustedTrades as escrow. Still, a bit low, make it 1 XMR = 85 XRP and u got deal.
1 XMR for 85 XRP, it is then. Can we move this to DM? Don't wanna break any rules on the forum.
Sure thing. Drop me a PM with details. Looking forward to our trade!

Hey, anyone looking for xchange 0.84350475575 XMR to XRP? Throw me a ping.
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Well, I was thinkin' spot price. Seems fair, no?
Hmm, I'll need a bit more than tat for liquidity. Make it spot plus 1.125%?
Yowch. Bit steep. How about spot plus .85%? That should still cover you plenty.
Deal. Let's take this to DM and work out the details.
Cool, sounds good. Sending you a message now.

Ey, anyone here want to trade 15.162677326795 XMR to XRP?
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Yeah, current market rate, rounded up to the nearest decimal. Fair?
I was expecting a lil' bonus for my trouble, mate. Say... current market rate plus 1%?
Fine I can do 1% . But only because I wanna get rid of these XMR asap.
Sounds good, haha. Should we move to DM to settle things?
Sure thing. Clippers on the ready for the switch. Hit me up there.

Hey, got an interest on trading some 0.392738650325 XMR for XRP? Lets discuss.
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Haha nice joking, rate's a bit low dont you think? I was expecting something more generous, like 150 XRP.
Hmm.. 145 XRP for my 0.392738650325 XMR and we got a deal. What say?
Deal at 146 XRP and we shake on it.
God dammit, I'll be generous today. 146 XRP it is. Lets move the rest of dis to DM?
Sounds like a plan. Shoot me that DM, brotha.

Yo, loking to trade 38.83455811176 XMR for XRP. Any takers?
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Was hoping for current market rate. Wana keep thing straight and simple.
Well, seems fair enough. What's your proposed transaction method?
Prefer atomic swaps if you're comfortable with that. Keeps it anon and trustless
Sounds good, let's move this to DMs to finalise the deal, mate. Deal in for the 38.83455811176?
'Deal!'. Let's move this convo there.

Ey ppl, Im looking to dump 1.210473188109 XMR. Need some XRP. Any takers?
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Bit steep, ain't it? I'd settle for 1 XMR = 112.5 XRP. That fair?
112.5? You're jokin', right? Best I can do is 1 XMR = 120 XRP.
Hmm...might work. We doing this here or you got somewhere else in mind?
Nah, this ain't the place for a detailed transaction. Let's move to DM to formalize.
Good point. Shoot me a DM when you're ready.

Sup guys? Got 0.300302816457 XMR. Looking to trade it for some XRP. Who's in?
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Hmm..... slight lower don’t you think?
Well, there's some transaction fee too, don't forget. But maybe we can adjust. What're you thinking?
Well, fair enuf. I guess I was expectn a bit high. Let's do 48.8 XRP then.
Great! Lets take it to DMs to finalize this.
Sounds good, reach out in DM.

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