Buy Ripples(XRP) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Got 9.510526916771 XMR i'm looking to exchange to XRP. Any taker?
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We start small, like 0.5 XMR initially and you transfer XRP equivalent to me. After that we can go large amounts
I think that’d work but I need to make sure you’re not taking me for a ride. These platforms are teeming with scammers
Sure bro, I can understand. We can use a trusted escrow service
Sounds like we have a deal. Can we move this to DM to finalize everything?
Yeah, let's take this to DM.

Hey lads, got 0.774987542532 XMR I'm looking to swap for XRP. Hit me up.
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Gotcha. Give me like 20. Gonna check the rate and return.
 Brace for impact 
Well, guess what. Your 'no hassle' rate ain't that bad! You got a deal.
Aight. DMs then?
Sounds good.

hey mates, anywan intrested in trading XMR for XRP? I got about 59.423170121866 XMR
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Well, going by the current market rate lad, but open to negotiations I guess
fair eough, but yknow we gotta consider the volatility of this market, make sure we're both happy with the deal
well ain't that the truth.  Suppose we do it step by step? Like, start with 5 XMR and if it works we sail into the sunset?
'sunset' indeed XDD, Let's see, I'll think it oever and get bck to you
sure thing mate, no hurries. we're all in the same sinking ship here XDD

Hey, anyone intrested in a little trade? Got 4.356140723273 XMR to spare. Looking for XRP in return.
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Market value + 3%. Gotta make it worth, ya know.
>Market value + 3%
Lol, nice one. How about market value even-stevens?
Hmm, lemme think. Okay, deal. But only if transaction sequelence secure and fast.
Sure, I'll make sure of it. Our 4.356140723273 XMR to XRP deal is on. Let's go DM for the specifics.
Perfect, seeya at the DM. Looking forward to this exchange.

Lookin to trade 31.269008110557 XMR eyeing XRP. Any taker?
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LOL, you wish! Correction mate, now it's 1 XMR = 501 XRP.
Ah, you've gotta be trollin man. Check the market rate, it’s way more than that!
> Check the market rate. You're right. Apologizes for the typo before. I'm good with 1 XMR to 527 XRP now. Let's finalize this, shall we?
Sure. Guess we could take this private. DM?
Sounds good, let's take it to the DMs. Commence the trade negotiation there.

Ey fellas, lookin to trade roughly 2.3 XMR for XRP. Any takers?
Interesting..Why going with XRP mate? Worthless coin if you ask me..

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