Buy Ripples(XRP) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey, got an interest on trading some 0.392738650325 XMR for XRP? Lets discuss.
Yo fd99724f, depends on the exchange rate u had in mind, drop me the deets, mate!
Well, I've been eyeing current market and beleive an exchange rate of 140 XRP for that XMR mint.
Haha nice joking, rate's a bit low dont you think? I was expecting something more generous, like 150 XRP.
Hmm.. 145 XRP for my 0.392738650325 XMR and we got a deal. What say?
Deal at 146 XRP and we shake on it.
God dammit, I'll be generous today. 146 XRP it is. Lets move the rest of dis to DM?
Sounds like a plan. Shoot me that DM, brotha.
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