Buy Monero(XMR) with Bitcoin(BTC)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey folks, I've got 1.357372143647 XMR I'd like to trade for BTC. Any takers?
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I'm thinking markt value. As per current rates
Hm, makes sense. I''m in. What's your transaction method charge?
Lets dodge the charges. On-chain transaction?
Fair enough, on-chain sounds good. I'm ok with your condition.
Great, let's move to DM to finalize this.

Hi thre. Got some 0.551536067964 XMR to trade for BTC. Any takers?
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I feel ya. How 'bout this - I'll throw in a small % above market rate. Deal?
It's tempting, but ur 'small %' need to be specific. Numbers matter ennit?
Like 2% above market rate. Is that better?
You got a deal mate! Let's take this to DM for the rest.
Sweet. Catch ya in DM land.

Hey dudes. Anyone interested in trading 7.653958633023 XMR against BTC? Best rate, no scam.
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'Escrow service' == cute. But seriously, what's your rate?
Ah, the golden question. How about 0.01355 BTC/XMR?
Hmm... not a bad offer, gotta admit. Screw it. Let's do it!
That's what I'm talking about! Let's move this to DM, shall we?
Sure bro. Slide into my DMs. Let's finalize this shit.

'ey, got 0.942301016956 XMR. Any taker for a trade to BTC?
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Not bad, but let’s make it 0.02150520 BTC, considering the volatility and all. Are u down with that?
'Ay, bit high but it's workable. Can confirm u got tht much BTC tho?
Yeah, sure. We could do it on a platform with escrow or smthg?
Sounds good, escrow it is then. Let's take this to DM?
Seems fair. Let's go.

hey evry1 person got 0.794819952276 XMR to trade for BTC to XMR?
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thinkin..umm... let's say 0.7 BTC for ur XMR??
fck bruh, dont cheat...ok going bout 0.85 BTC...its a good shit
'It's a good shit' LMAO...okay bro... 0.8 BTC final offer...take it or leaf it man
ah goood at dis...alrite 0.8 bt we deal in DM
cool, lets move dis to DM, my man

Hey mates, lookin' to trade my XMR for some BTC. Got around 9.952230164885 XMR.
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Not much, but we ca. try, vetted by many crypto people. Or any you'd suggest?
How bout Localcryptos? Legit platform and total anon. We cn go thrgh there.
'Yeah sure, Localcryptos works for me. So, we gonna move this to DM or something?'
'Yeah, makes sense.' Sha'll we DM the final stuff?
'Sounds good - let's wrap up the details there. Looking forward to  'successful' trade!'

Hey fellas, any1 here willing to trade m’y 14.809695255781 XMR for some clustered BTC? Let's talk rates.
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haha u crazy mate? More like 0.065BTC/XMR. Can't do better, things r tough out here
Come on man. Let's meet halfway, huh? How about 0.0665 BTC/XMR?
Nope, can’t do. me final offer -> 0.065. Take it or leave it.
Damn, u'r hard but fair. Alright then, deal. Let's move to DMs to finalize?
Kool. Let’s take it offline. Dming u now

Hey, anyone want to trad 25.608341564784 XMR for BTC?
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1 BTC for 26 XMR? You're dreaming, buddy. Let's talk realistic numbers here.
1 BTC for 30 XMR then. Fair?
Hmm seems more realistic. Go ahead, tradin 25.608341564784 XMR for BTC then. But need to be careful, too many scammers these days.
Agreed. Let''s take this to DM. We can use escrow if needed.
Sounds good to me. DM it is. Thx for understanding.

guyz trading 47.853151534266 XMR for some _good_ BTC to XMR deal. Any takrs?
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Market rn showing 1 XMR = 0.0076 BTC. U feel it good?
Aye naaahey mate. But I can't do more than 0.0073 BTC/XMR. That sound fair?
Hmm a bit low btu I need to mover this XMR RGENTLY. U can handle escrow?
Yups, I can set it up. DM to finalize the deal?
'agreed'. DM'in inna sec.

Hey! Got 0.337687135487 XMR. Willing to trade for BTC to XMR. Any1 up?
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Hmm that seems a bit low mate. I was expecting closer to 0.0094 BTC.
Hmm.. That's a lil' high. But let's meet in the middle. 0.0092 BTC? I think it's a fair deal.
Okay cool. 0.0092 it is then. Lets get this deal done.
Great! Shall we take this to DM to finalize everything?
Yeah sure. Ping me there. Cheers.

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