Buy Monero(XMR) with Bitcoin(BTC)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey mates, lookin' to trade my XMR for some BTC. Got around 9.952230164885 XMR.
Damn, that's specific. You got a preferred exchange rate in mind?
Hmm...Let's start at 1 BTC for 370 XMR, shall we? Just lookin' to get fair deal, haha
>1 BTC for 370 XMR. Shhhhit, that are robbin bank levels. Kidding, kidding. What transactions method we talking about here?
Lets go for the P2P or we can use decent escrow service.
*thinks deeply* You trust any escrow service in particular?
Not much, but we ca. try, vetted by many crypto people. Or any you'd suggest?
How bout Localcryptos? Legit platform and total anon. We cn go thrgh there.
'Yeah sure, Localcryptos works for me. So, we gonna move this to DM or something?'
'Yeah, makes sense.' Sha'll we DM the final stuff?
'Sounds good - let's wrap up the details there. Looking forward to  'successful' trade!'
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