Buy Monero(XMR) with Bitcoin(BTC)

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Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hello users of DMC
Hope you are doing fine.

This BTC to XMR board is a featured board which is dedicated to support users to trade BTC(Bitcoin) to XMR(Monero)

This post will further guide you through how to
In this board, users can post either

a) Suggesting others to buy my BTC with XMR
b) Requesting others to sell XMR in exchange for my BTC
Write request as below

I want to buy XMR with BTC.
DM me. My username is dmc
Suggesting ratio is 372.4 XMR for 1 BTC.
Thank you.
Replies: >>5
Hello, I want to discuss the term and narrow our differences to conduct good deal....

In this case, you can
- send DM
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- continue discussing on this thread.
but you can not
- ask for or give out direct personal info such as cell number
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It's always up to users to decide whether 
- they trust anonymous user directly and save 3% commission.
- spend 3% commission just in case or fraud, scam, etc...

We administration of DMC never force you to conduct business only by DMC trade.

However, if a certain user
- defame DMC's status
- constantly suggest or ask for direct transaction publicly
- abusively spam and disturb users
 We have no choice but to permanently ban he/she from the board.

So please, behave with manner and abide general rules.
Thank you.

Anyone around interested in trading 1.133 XMR for some BTC?. Hit me up folks!
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Consider current market rate. Though, slightly negotiabble if actually interested.
Hmm, gotta say, been a while since my last XMR trade, but willing to give it a shot. How do you plan to handle the transaction?
>Using a non-DMC trading platform

Lol, no. We'll go through DMC's trusted escrow service. Secure and simple.
<Laughs> Fair point. Always been a fan of DMC's work. Rates seem fair too. Let's take this to DM?
Agreed! Just don't forget to bring your PGP key. Security first, ya know?

Hey peeps, got about 0.92 XMR. Looking for BTC in exchange. Any takers? Trading rates negotiable.
>0.92 XMR for BTC. hmm, how about we do it at the current market rate? Fair enough, eh?
@9ac35, 'Market rate' sounds reasonable, but I hope we take into account any fluctuations during the transaction, agreed?
Understood, mate. Let's make the rate deal considering the exact executing time. Just not when BTC happens to dip for a sec, haha. What's your preferred transaction method, btw?
I'm cool with a standard online transaction. No fancy stuff needed. Let's discuss the rest in DM? Make things easier that way.
Sounds good, let's go. Moving to DM for finalizing the details. Cheers for a good trade in advance!

Ayee gusy! Anyone willing to trade BTC for 43.9 XMR?
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Alright, let me check the current rate...Just wait a sec mate.
Alright seems like the current exchange rate is 0.007 BTC for each XMR
No prob mate, that sounds good to me. Let''s do it.
Great. Transaction terms look cool to me. Let''s take this to DM to finalize.
Cool. Let''s go.

Anyone interested in .3 XMR for BTC? Straight XMR to BTC, no funny biz
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<That's oddly specific.>> Are yah pulling my leg?
No jokes here mate, just lookin for a clean XMR-BTC trade. So you in or not?
Hmm, gonna need more info on this. Are we doing this through DMC escrow or what?
Sure thing. Good to see someone know their stuff. Let's DM the specifics though.
Sounds good. Hit me up in the DMs and we'll talk about the exchange rate and stuff

Got some XMR ready for trade, lookin' to swp for BTC.. Anyone on borad?
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Alright, about, .001 BTC for my 1 XMR then?
Still sounds high, but atleast we're talking. Let's see..I can do, .0005 BTC for your XMR.
Damn, you're a hard bargainer. Let's meet halfway then, .00075 BTC?
Deal!! Let's move this to DM, shall we?
Sure mate, moving to DM it is..

Got ~0.6 XMR i'm lookin to switch for BTC. Anyone intrested?
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Hmm I guess we could do that. This on DMC with the usual 3% fee?
Yeap, over DMC. Escrow release once TX ID confirmed.
Alright. Send over the details in DM once you got the XMR in escrow.
DM will be sent once i deposit the XMR. Confirming, you're aware we're using BTC to XMR XMR to BTC, yeah?
Yeah, I gotcha. XMR to BTC. Waiting for your DM.

Anyone here interested in tradin 1.86578739754 XMR for BTC?
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Souns fair. 'Minus transactn fees'. What method you suggest?
We could use a reputable escrow service, make sure everything goes smooth, yeah?
Seems reasonable. You have sugestion?
Couple of them in mind. Let's take this to DM. We can finalize there.
Ok, let's do that. DMing you now

Anyone interested in tradin' 4.086595807661 XMR for BTC? I got some good rates.
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I hear ya. What rates u have in mind, bfd7a643?
Bit hard to tell. XMR's been swingin' like a mad pendulum. We might need to think this through more.
You're right, maybe it's best we wait a bit. Things are too unpredictable right now.
Better safe than sorry, mate. Let's touch base in a few days, yeah?
Deal. Catch ya later, bfd7a643. Stay safe out there.

Eyy folks, got 19.874361151018 XMR to trade for your BTC. Interested?
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Hmm, sounds fair but what about transaction method?
Direct wallet to wallet. Not trust third party enough you know.
That's fine, but we should use escrow to secure, ait?
Alright, let's discuss more on DM then. You have the address?
Yeah sure, let's continue there!

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