Buy Monero(XMR) with Dogecoin(DOGE)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Got 'bout 0.7 0.777232241033 XMR I'm lookin' to trade for DOGE tbh. Rate's open to negotiation. Ain't no rush, wanna make sure it's fair both sides.
Open to negotiation, ah? Might be interested. how much DOGE u expecting per XMR?
Honestly, havn't been following DOGE prices real close, bruh. >Imagined it'll be fair<br>Let's say about 20k DOGE per XMR sound fair to you? 
<about 20k DOGE? Lol, u kiddin'> Current rate is more about 15k DOGE. let's make it 17k DOGE and call it a good deal. What do u say, man?
Fair 'nough bruh. I can live with that. We got a deal at 17k DOGE per XMR. Let's move to anonymous DMs to finalize the details, aright?
'Aight agreed, let's take it to DM.=/=
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