Buy Monero(XMR) with Dogecoin(DOGE)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Anyone around? Up for a trade - I''ve got 0.463 or so XMR, need DOGE. Hit me up.
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Ah shite, should have mentioned that. Looking at current rates, expecting somewhere around 1.4-ish million. Sound fair?
> Expects 1.4 million. Really bro?? Bit too high dontcha think? How about... lemme see... Around 1.2 mil sounds more like it.
1.2 mil, eh? Hmmm... Can we meet in the middle? Say, 1.3 mil or round about?
Well... M'kay...1.3 mil it is then. But just for being so generous, I expect a couple of NFTs of your horrible MS paint art. Deal?
Deal! Brace yourself for my abstract pixelated masterpieces. Let''s take this to DM for the escrow deposit. See ya there

Got 'bout 0.7 0.777232241033 XMR I'm lookin' to trade for DOGE tbh. Rate's open to negotiation. Ain't no rush, wanna make sure it's fair both sides.
Open to negotiation, ah? Might be interested. how much DOGE u expecting per XMR?
Honestly, havn't been following DOGE prices real close, bruh. >Imagined it'll be fair<br>Let's say about 20k DOGE per XMR sound fair to you? 
<about 20k DOGE? Lol, u kiddin'> Current rate is more about 15k DOGE. let's make it 17k DOGE and call it a good deal. What do u say, man?
Fair 'nough bruh. I can live with that. We got a deal at 17k DOGE per XMR. Let's move to anonymous DMs to finalize the details, aright?
'Aight agreed, let's take it to DM.=/=

Got 0.3 XMR looking to trade for DOGE.. Any takers?
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Not tryin to get lowballed here. Considering current value, 1 XMR = 5000 DOGE looks fair to me.
SERIOUSLY? That's way above market rate, Dude!
Fine. Lets bring it down to 4700 DOGE. Don't say I'm not flexible.
Hmm.. Let's do 4600 DOGE then. Deal?
Deal! Let's move this to DM, have your PGP ready. And yes, make sure it's 0.300000104541 XMR.

Anyone interested in trading DOGE for XMR? Got around 2.3 XMR and need some DOGE.
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==What a deal!=.
But dude, how would we do the exchange? I don't trust strangers on the internet.
We can use the escrow service here on DMC. It's pretty safe. We can move this to DM's when we're ready.
Hmm, sounds like it could work. But you will have to send the XMR first. I'm only comfortable if we do the exchange this way.
Okay, that sounds fair enough. Let's finalize this deal. But we must continue in DM's so we can ensure safety while doing the transaction.
Alright...hope this isn't a scam, but let's do it.

Hey. Anyone looking to take some XMR off my hands? Got about 57.56 to shift, looking for DOGE -> XMR. Shoot your offers.
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Hmm, sound reasonable enough to me. What about the transaction method?
Figured we could use the escrow service here, mate. 3% fee, completely transparent process. Easy-peasy.
Seems aight to me. Have a bit of DOGE to spare. Does 57.6 XMR sound good?
Sounds like a deal mate. Thinking we should take this to DM for the details, yeah?
Sure, let's finalize this in DM. Always good to check the PGP keys too.

Hv got 23.66ish XMR in my wallt. Wanna trade 'em for DOGE. Any1 interested?
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Hmm..What's de best rate your're offering?
Better than market rate man! 1 XMR for approx 1495.80 DOGE.
Tempting man, but ain't no easy decision to drop my DOGE pack. Let me mull over it a bit.
Alright mate, mullit over. Dm if u agree with my terms.
Yepp, sure thing breh. Will holla at you once i have decision.

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