Buy Monero(XMR) with BitcoinCash(BCH)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Got some 0.38+ XMR. Looking to trade for BCH. Who's in?
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Let's roll with whatever the spot rate is at the time of the trade. Sound alright 602f39f?
Sure, <could use some more XMR>…I suppose. But let's keep this drama-free, whatcha say?
I'm always drama-free, mate. Let's do this. Shall we move this to DM for deets?<
DM works. Let's nail this thing down.
DM it is. Catch you on the other side.

Anyone interested in trading 0.3 XMR for BCH? Pretty quick n clean.
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Haha, nice try, but Im no fool. 0.8 is too high. 0.6 and we have a deal, buddy.
0.6 seems a tad low. How about 0.7 and we're even. I'll cover the transaction fees.
Hard Bargainer! Fine, 0.7 BCH it is. We do this now, yes?
Indeed. Let's move this to DM to finalize the deal.
Done. Chk ur DM.

Aye ppl, lookin' to dump my XMR. Got about 2.6 XMR. Wanna swap for BCH. Anyone up?
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Haha, u trying to be smart now, no transaction fees is big ask man. Cant do that.
Alright, alright, was worth a shot. Normal transaction fee then. How we doing this?
We keep it simple - initiate escrow, verify, release, transfer. PGP DM for the final tweaks and get this show on the road.
Fair enough. I'll ping you in DM then. Better be worth it.
Never a dull moment in crypto, my man. See u in DM then.

Well, guess I've got some XMR laying around. Ready to trade 0.525 XMR for BCH. Anyone nterested?
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Right, right, got it. Never traded BCH for XMR before, but there's always a first time.
Cool. There's always room for new experiences, right? The exact ammount is 0.523643251583 XMR, just to clarify
Yeah, got that, 0.523643251583 XMR. So, about the transaction method... How in hell are you going to do it? Direct transfer?
Yeah, exactly. Direct transfer is the safest and quickest way to go about it. We can move this to DM if you're down with that?
Sure, sounds good. Let's get down to brass tacks then and finalize this deal.

Got 22.088102273447 XMR, looking to trade for BCH.
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hmm, that's a bit high. Let's settle for 0.025 BCH per XMR?
Aight, 0.025 sounds fine. But just to make sure, we're talking about a total trade near 0.552 BCH right?
Yes, 0.552 BCH for 22.088102273447 XMR. I'm in. Let's take this to DM?
Looking a bit steep but 'kay. Yeah lets take diz to DM. Send me your PGP.
Alright. Check your DM, m8. ~Sendin the PGP now~

Hey, looking to trade 0.5315 XMR for some BCH. Anyone on board?
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Thinking about 15 BCH per XMR. Care to negotiate?
Seems a bit high to me. How about 14 BCH? Still a win-win, bro
Hmm. Let me do some maths real quick
Alright, done. You've got yourself a deal at 14. <= on one condition though: transaction to go through XMR deposit.
Deal. Let's finalize in DM. Moving there now.

Looking for a quick trade. Some XMR for BCH. Anyone got any to spare? Rough ballpark, not much, low stakes.
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I'll take it mate. Shall we move dis t' DM?
Nah, sorry dude. I was hoping for a faster deal, less haggling. Guess we'll have to pass this.
44,636 WON, spirited away in an instant. Hurts to watch. >feelsbadman
Alright, mate. If ya change yer mind, you know where to find me.
Will keep that in mind, cheers.

Hey dudes, got 52.854927934987 XMR. Any1 for a BCH to XMR swap?
lol ur srsly trading that much? wat's the rate u got in mind?
current market with a lil' incentive. y'know, cuts on overheads n all.
'current market with a lil' incentive' huh? Damn, trading's become a whole new world. Alright, I'll bite. U want to discuss specifics in DM?
That's what I'm talkin about. Let's sort out d details in DM then.

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