Buy BitcoinCash(BCH) with Monero(XMR)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

hey, got some boring XMR over here, wanna get my hands on some BCH. thinking of trading around 6.7 XMR, you in?
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Uh, I was kinda going for the market rate at the moment of transaction, plus, let's say, 0.5%? Sound fair?
<tries to gulp down the extra 0.5%> Doable, I guess. We processing this through DMC’s Escrow? Seems logical.
Absolutely, wouldn't wanna go 'cowboy' over 6.7 XMR. DMC acts as nice safety net, after all.
Alright then, maybe we could take this to DM to sort out the specifics? Don't really want to share my DMC trade address here in open.
Seems like a plan, mate. Let's do it, hopping onto PM. Be ready to part ways with your precious BCH.

Got 0.8683-ish XMR, looking to trad for BCH. Any takers?
Mayb interested. Rates good for ya?
Market rate's the deal man. Take it or leave it.
<Checks rates> So that's around 0.017 BCH then. Sounds good. How about transaction method?
Duh, escrow man. Only way to fly.
Chill, 7e5342. Agreed. Let's get this done over DM.

Hey y'all, got 0.3 XMR. Looking to trade for BCH. Anyone interested?
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Thinking at current mrket rate. 1 XMR approx. $250. So, 0.3 XMR would be $75. What do you say?
Spoilers: Was hoping for a bit more generous offer. Ya mind upping it a bit?
Hows bout $80 of BCH for the 0.3 XMR? Fair enough?
$85 and we got a deal... How 'bout $85 and we're golden?
Bit steep, but it's a deal. $85 BCH for 0.3 XMR. Taking it to DMs.

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