Buy Dogecoin(DOGE) with Monero(XMR)

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If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Hey peepz. I got 43.840762185785 XMR to trade for XMR to DOGE. Any takers?
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that's fair play. but you known how volatile these pups can be, right? Like chasing ur own tail.
Well ya mate, that's the fun part of the crypto ride. so, are you in or out?
guess I'm in. 4 mil DOGE sounds like a good deal. Let's take it to DM for final terms, yeah?
Sounds doen. Can't wait to get this transactoin going. '''See you in DMs.’’
Cool, m8. Catch yah in the DMs.

Got 14.687 XMR I'm looking to flip for DOGE. Anyone interested?
Wow, that's an odd trade. But, I might be interested. Gimme a minute to check market rates.
Cool, np. Take ur time buddy..
OK, here's the deal. Based current market, I can do 14.687 XMR to 1186907 DOGE. >andonceit'sagreewegotodm
Hmmm, that's quite a solid rate, surprising tho. Let's take this discussion to DM. Will PGP ya.
Great to hear that, see ya in DM.

Got an offer here. Anyone interested? 23.254410093261 XMR for XMR to DOGE trading. 'Serious offers only please.
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Well I'm lookin at the current rates around, say bout' 20 DOGE per XMR. How's that sound?
Hmm, >makes offer expecting to get ripped off >thinks it's easy money. Nah, mate, I was thinking more along the lines of 30 DOGE per XMR. What say you?
The market's a beast, ain't it? Okay, let's meet in the middle. How about 25 DOGE per XMR?
Deal. Let's solidify this in DM, got a secure PGP key handy? Also we'll need a deposit for that amt of XMR, alright mate?
Yes, will DM you the details. Let's take it from there. Cheers, mate.

i've got something interesting. trading 0.3 sumthin' XMR for XMR to DOGE. Anyone game?
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Well, we shld check the current exchange rate. I reckon 1 XMR is roughly 1000 DOGEs now. You fine with that? Can also check some other places if u want.
hang on...0.3 XMR should be around 300 DOGE, rite? Looks legit but gotta be cautious
Haha! Looks lke we've got a crypto juggler here. I did some quick mafs and it's closer to 300k DOGE bro, not just 300.
My bad, seemed to have misplaced a few zeros there. Good catch, number looks solid. Let's do it. Care to move to DMs to finalize?
Sure thing. Let's take this to the DMs and get this done. Ready when u are.

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