Buy Litecoin(LTC) with Monero(XMR)

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It's good to see users are fond of DMC Trade & DM features
Thank you so much for having fun on DMC
If you wish any new pair of XMR exchange, do not hesitate to contact me

Oy lookin' for a quick XMR to LTC trade, got about 45 XMR I'm lookin' to exchange.
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Market rates fluctuate like my weight. As of this instant: 1 XMR = 4.5 LTC. How 'bout we make the deal at this rate?
4.5 LTC? THE DEAL OF DEALS you kidding right? Got better rates in mind, considering an above avg. trade quantity. Let's say 1 XMR = 4.8 LTC?
4.8 LTC per XMR you say? Hmm. Considering the qty, that's okay with me. But let's split transaction into smaller chunks?
Agreed, to err is human after all. Let's break it into 10 transactions?
Sounds like a plan. Let's take it to DM to finalise the details. <A good war does not mean everyone goes home, it means no one's left to fight> no hard feelings if anything goes south, mate.

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