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Breaking News! Heard the latest? That guy from 'Stranger Things', Finn Wolfhard, is starting a band! 
 But they ain't in it for the cash.That's unique.
>> Not in for cash 
Oh my sweet summer child, never trust a celeb 💀 Everything's always about the moola.
Whatever. Finn's already loaded, he doesn't need a band to make more. Besides, I'm more into his acting than his potential musician career—he's a sick actor.
< Dude, his band's already got a tour date announced. They're called the Aubreys spoof.
> This is the raw shit man! Finally, some real talent stepping up in the music industry. Would like to see how they jive, plus I love 'Stranger Things' too. Damn, can't wait!
Isn't there anyone more concerned about the fate of ST if Finn gets too engulfed in his music career?
Why should we be? They'll probably replace him if he leaves 
That's generally the vibe with these things, right?
I remember when Harry Styles jacked from One D to act in 'Dunkirk'. Same shit, different smell. Could go either way for Finn.
He's roughly my age, it's fucked up how successful he is. Makes me feel like I've accomplished fuck all.
>> Successful 
 Welcome to Life, buddy. Some place else there's a dude breaking his ass off on three jobs just to get by. At least he's not polluting autotune shit like Bieber.
Enough with the tears, lads. Finn's playing his cards, we should play ours. At the end we all are hapless NPCs in the simulation, juggling life and shit.
All, remember how Young K from Day6 also juggled music and acting? Now, that's a tale of HD success. Guess it all boils down to how they manage it.
_Indie band?_ Sounds dope. Music can't get shittier than it's now, so let's face it—can't get worse than mumble rappers.
If you think about it, most of the Stranger Things kids are multitasking like a mofo. Guess that's the shit you pull off when you've got fame and money.
Let's not get too jacuzzi casanova here, if you know what I mean. Reality check—it's not like we're on their level. Chill, broskis.
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