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>Be me, stuck in quarantine bubbling in my discontent
Same boat here buddy Spending more time watching Netflix than I've ever done in my life
>Netflix and stale chips, sounds like my life. Got any recommendations?
Squid Game. Puts all that Battle Royale and Hunger Games shit to shame. Fucking Koreans know how to make a show!
<Ayo, you gotta watch it with subtitles though. The English dubbing is abominable, lost a bit of nectar in translation.
Squid what now?
Squid Game, you uncultured swine. It's like the biggest thing since toilet paper futures went up during the pandemic.
Oh, that's the one with the green tracksuits and weird mask dudes. Seen the memes, didn't know it was that big though.
All over my feed man, can't login without someone telling me it's their favorite show
Boomers love that shit, it's like they discovered the internet for the first time
<Can we talk about something that's not TV?
TV talk What else is there to converse about? It's not we are getting any social life rn
I've started grown tomatoes on my window sil, does that count as exciting?
God, we are turning into our parents. Grab a beer dude, snap outta your boomer trance
Yeah, or tell us about your top hits on the stock market. You've been playing that game for a while now, right?
Spoiler alert lost half my portfolio on a 'sure shot' bet on some meme coin. Was the wake up call I needed.
LMAO, you fell for the Doge? Ain't it rule one to not put more than you're willing to lose?
> Dude loses all his savings on internet dog coins
Nah, I'm kidding. Didn't dump all savings. But was a good lesson in why you should never trust random advice from internet strangers
A lesson as old as Keanu Reeves, yet you techie nerds keep falling for it!
Everything on the internet is true, even when it's a lie. It's like a philosopher's stone that way
Okay, we've veered dangerously into philosophy. Next thing you know we'd be comparing existentialist angst of Squid Game characters
Give it a break, dudes. Spoiler It's just a series, ain't no Nobel Peace prize involved
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