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Imagine actually liking TikTok trends lol
>implying TikTok isn't the epitome of internet degeneration
Oi, some of those dances are kinda catchy NOT GONNA LIE
Catchy dances, code for I'm a Zoomer with no taste.
< why ya gotta be so rude, anon?
Rude? More like blunt af. Can't stand the mindnumbing rubbish.
Matlok! Just unplug if it's too much for you,  boomer.
I'd rather chew broken glass than watch a TikTok challenge that makes you look like you're having a seizure on camera.
You must be fun at parties, gramps.
Bold of you to assume I attend parties. Those are a breeding ground for stupidity.
You're on a wide load of shit, aren't you?
Haha, I bet this dude still uses a Nokia brick ^^
Anon here probably can't handle the fact he's too uncoordinated to do the 'Renegade' LMAO.
More like I value my sanity. Side note, anyone else hear about that new Squid Game-esque thing on Netflix?
Eh, you're late as always. It's called 'Alice in Borderland'. FREAKING LIT!!
Watched that last week, totally badass. Wish they'd bring out a new season of Hannibal though.
Bro, first, get over Hannibal. Second, spend less time shitting on TikTok and more time expanding your series list.
Slightly Off Topic Though Is 'Parasite' worth the hype? Ain't a huge fan of subs but willing to give it a try.
SPOILER ALERT It's dope bro! Especially, the plot twist. Put on your glasses, slurp some noodles, read those subs!
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