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>> Do any of you watch Kimetsu no Yaiba? Waiting desperately for that new season to drop. Oct 2021 is way too far!!
Not fair they tease us with season 2 teaser poster and make us wait this long!! RAGE
> When they dropped the movie, I died and went to anime heaven. Seriously, Ufotable outdid themselves.
Wait guys, there are plebs here who haven't seen the first season. spoilers and all...
Stfu, if you haven't seen Demon Slayer by now, you're basic, end of story.
Basic af even. Like, get your priorities straight, lol. Anime before anything.
Imagine living in 2021 and not watching Kimetsu no Yaiba. Tragic
You're one to talk, did you even finish Re:Zero Season 2? Don't think so, lil' bitch...
HEY, I'm still trying to wrap my head around Rem's Memory Loss.
>> Animated harem's will be the death of me wondering who the MC will choose.
Or when the dense MC doesn't realize he's got a damn harem. <___<
>>Not recognizing your own harem, could not be me
Absolute simp lord, that's what he is.
Holy shit, guys. Did we just agree on something? Is the world ending?
Inb4 we get into another argument about the best girl in Jujutsu Kaisen...
>> Oh lord, not again. You fucks can't even differentiate between a waifu and a best girl
Fukin normies, disrespecting the sacred terms. *disgusted*
[ >> Sukuna best girl **]#
Thas' it, I'm out. Can't deal with your shit takes anymore.Logging out
You gonna cry? Maybe quit over our truth bombs? Feel free to piss off
Good riddance, less of your bitching = more peace for us. 'Night, bitches.
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