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>Anyone else watching 'My Hero Academia' S5? Overrated IMO.
Yeah, total crap. Story's fallen flat since S3, if you ask me.
I disagree fellas, I actually think it's picked up recently.
<this guy whiteknights for Deku, it's hilarious>
Shut the fuck up. It's better than that weeb shit 'Demon Slayer'.Everyone loves it tho.
'Demon Slayer' lowest bar ever. Needs less crying, more fighting.
>Nah But real talk, anyone checked out that new Billie Eilish song? It's not too bad.
Billie Eilish is just normie bait. Stop shilling music industry plants here.
Hold your horses there, 'normie bait'? I think you mean real talent.
>Thinks Billie Eilish is real talent.
boldly stating |Fuck it, I like her music. Suck it, haters.
Got ears of dog, bruh?
Least I don't got a taste of shit like y'all weebs watching MHA.
There goes the pot calling the kettle black, eh?
Spill... *grabs popcorn*
>Claiming high ground with Billie Eilish. You jokester OP!
We were talking about anime and now it's all about music. Unbelievable.
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