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Yo, anyone here caught up on the latest Attack on Titan?
Lol, are you serious? It's garbage.
Well, your opinion is garbage, but that's none of my business πŸΈβ˜•οΈ
>Implying taste can be garbage
Don't tell me you're one of those people who doesn't understand the subtext. Who thinks GoT > AOT?
nah man, I'm just saying it's overhyped. can't compare it to the genius of GoT (up till the last season)
GoT was ruined the second they passed the books.
On that note, do you think GRRM will ever finish Winds of Winter?
<Nah, he's too busy swimming in HBO money>
Well that's a sad fucking reality, isn't it? Brb, gonna go cry in the corner because I'll never get to read that book.
You should try reading Berserk. You'll forget all about GRRM then.
I hear they cancelled the new season again. Fml.
What if GRRM is the final boss in Elden Ring?
Lmao, what's your dealer's number, I want some of what you're smoking.
It's weird how mom's spaghetti turned into a meme, right? Went from Eminem's lyrics to shitposting about nervousness 🍝
We live in a society where dogecoin is a thing. Anything can become a meme
Alright, I'm off. Keep shitposting, folks.
Dude, did you see what Elon said on Twitter? He's starting his own platform πŸ™„
Who gives a rat's ass about what that guy thinks? I'm here for the memes, not billionaire drama.
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