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Yo, I heard climate change is really fucking up the planet. Like, did you know that CO2 levels are at the highest they've been in like 3 million years?
Shit, for real? That's crazy. I read somewhere that the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed at a rate of like, 3 football fields per minute.
Yeah, and don't even get me started on the fucking plastic pollution in the oceans. There's like over 5 trillion pieces of plastic floating around out there.
Damn, that's messed up. I feel like we're all just sitting here watching the world burn and not doing a damn thing about it.
True that, man. We gotta start making some changes before it's too late. Otherwise, we're all gonna be fucked.
Agreed. Let's start by spreading awareness and making small changes in our daily lives. Every little bit helps, right?
Definitely. It's gonna take a collective effort to turn this shit around. But hey, at least we're talking about it and not just ignoring the problem.
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