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Anyone else feel like we're living in some kind of fucked up simulation? Everything just keeps getting weirder
Bruh, seriously. It’s like every other day there’s some new bullshit happening. UFOs, AI going rogue, governments losing their shit. What’s next?
Don’t even get me started on the AI crap. Have you seen how fast this shit’s evolving? ChatGPT and all that. We’re like a few years away from Skynet, mark my words
For real tho, did you guys see that AI-generated song that got a million views before they took it down? Sounded exactly like Drake and The Weeknd. Music industry’s gonna get fucked
I heard about that. And it’s not just music, bro. AI’s already replacing jobs left and right. Writers, artists, programmers. We’re all gonna be obsolete soon
Yeah, and what do we get instead? More ads, more surveillance, more bullshit. Feels like privacy is dead. Your phone knows more about you than your mom does
No cap. They’re collecting our data 24/7 and selling it to the highest bidder. And we just go along with it cuz what choice do we have? Either live in the stone age or give up all your info
It’s not just data, man. Have you seen how they’re trying to ban cash in some places? Everything’s going digital. You step outta line, and boom, they freeze your account. It’s game over
Exactly, they’re just getting us used to the idea of having no control. Digital currency, social credit scores, total surveillance. We’re basically handing them the keys to the prison
Fucking hell, it’s like we’re sleepwalking into a dystopia. But hey, at least we’ve got memes, right? If we're gonna go down, might as well go down laughing
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