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Bruh, can we talk about how fucked up everything is right now? Like, world’s on fire and everyone’s just watching it burn.
No shit, dude. Every day it’s some new crisis or another. Climate’s fucked, economy’s fucked, and people still argue about dumb shit like Twitter drama.
Man, I’m so done with these virtue-signaling assholes who act woke but do jack shit. Just shut the fuck up if you’re not gonna do anything.
For real, all they do is tweet some half-assed hashtag and think they’re saving the world. Get off your ass and do something, or shut the hell up.
Yeah, but let’s be real, no one’s gonna do shit. Everyone’s too comfy in their own bubble. We’re all just waiting for someone else to fix it.
Exactly, bro. It’s all talk, no action. We’re fucked, and we know it, but whatever, let’s just meme until the world ends.
Lmao, pretty much. At least the memes are good. Might as well laugh while everything goes to shit.
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