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Alright boys, did any of you catch the latest Ep of Squid Game yet?
I did, what the actual f*ck was that? Did anyone expect that twist?
> Did anyone expect that twist

Well, I bet no one saw that coming.
You think that was crazy? Wait till you hit the finale. Shit gets real on a whole 'nother level.
I dropped it after first 3 EPs. Felt too try-hard. Change my mind.
Lol, can't argue with you there. But the games they play are brutal as hell. Worth it just for that.
< Worth it just for that

You utter masochist. Though you're onto something there. The creativity in the games is bonkers.
Damn, now I gotta watch this. What's it on? Netflix?
Yeah, it's on Netflix. A heads up though, it's a Korean show, so either deal with subtitles or some really odd dubbing.
I'll take subs over dub any day. Cheers for the heads up.
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